Do you ever wish you had someone to bounce ideas off? Someone who won’t judge you or give you advice? I think that coaching is magical because YOU are the expert! The coach listens carefully, asks questions, helps you to see things in a different way, perhaps. Many people have never had the experience of being listened to in this way. Coaches aren’t therapists and we don’t give mental health or medical advice. We DO listen with curiosity and help you move forward – however that looks to you!
As I coach, I offer insights, skills and tools whether you are yearning to make your life more meaningful, or improve your communication personally or professionally, or perhaps gain confidence in public speaking.
I am trained as a Dating and Relationship Coach as well as a Life Coach. I bring decades of experience, knowledge and perspective to my coaching.

Are you ready for your full ripening? What I mean by that is to create your best life. Are you recovering from a divorce and ready to fall in love with yourself again? Are you troubled by conflict with friends, family or colleagues? Are terrified of public speaking? I can help you with all these issues as a trustworthy and trained professional. Imagine the relief of being able to move on with confidence and credibility!